1000 Hearts for Harry was established in memory of Harry Dubois, who sadly passed away aged 17 in 2014 with an undetected heart condition. The Dubois family has channeled their efforts to raise funds to provide local, free heart screens for 14-35 year-olds and address the alarming statistic of 12 young people dying every week in the UK from the condition.
Harry’s Story
There was nothing physically unique or different about Harry. To all intents and purposes, he was a healthy, happy 17-year-old boy. Since childhood, Harry had shown a love of music, singing, and performing- entertaining his family and friends was his passion and where his interests lay.
There can be no positives from the awful events surrounding Harry’s passing, save that we know that Harry was a shining example to his friends, loved ones, and school colleagues, and all those he touched. He was a gentle soul, who would offer help and comfort to everyone that needed it. He would go out of his way to support those less fortunate or alone, often putting others ahead of himself.
There was no indication that Harry had a severe and rare heart condition, from being a normal teen on a Thursday night to his tragic passing away on that awful Saturday evening; there had simply been no prior warning signs.
The statistic of 12 young deaths each week, in the UK, was one that shocked us. Prior to losing Harry, without warning, we like the majority of parents and guardians, were blissfully unaware of the cardiac risks in young people.
Although Harry’s star was short-lived whilst it was with us, it burned brightly. Through fundraising events and screenings, it continues to shine and to honour both his memory and his spirit of generosity.
Since Harry passed away in April 2014, we have focused on raising awareness of Young Sudden Cardiac Deaths. Fundraising has enabled us to support both research and screening for young people.